Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Mother's Calling

This following is the first part of a lesson that was given to me by my mother in 2001.  She had given a talk many years before (I was probably 8-10 years old) at the church we then attended. At that time she gave this to me, we had our first two sons and they were 4 and 1.  Two more children, 14 years more years of parenting and the need to plan a devotional for a weekend retreat and I was led back to this. 

Not only did fill the need for that weekend, but it has spoken to my heart. As only a mother can fully understand a mother's heart for her children, it has given me a wonderful view into the heart of the woman who has been and continues to be one of the greatest influences in my life.  I hope it is as encouraging to you as it was to me.

A Mother's Calling

"What any of us has to share about our experiences in parenting would benefit the rest of us.  I have been asked to share today so I pray each of you will be encouraged and hopefully, better equipped in your parenting.

Vision for my Children:

1) "bringing them to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives"
2) share in God's blessings
3) develop dependence on God, trust in God, and love of God that only our God deserves

The Scripture Basis for carrying out this Vision:

Colossians1:28-29, "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone (our children) with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone (our children) perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all His (Christ's)energy, which so powerfully works in me."

This scripture emphasis the importance of having that personal relationship with God.  In having that relationship, we can help reach that end (so our children may be perfect in Christ).  In having that relationship, we have His (Christ's) energy to do it.  God knows we need energy!"

Many times I am unable to focus on a specific goal or task when parenting.  Especially as a mom who also teaches her children during the day, the roles and responsibilities frequently overlap or run together.   Is it that they are learning to read today, having a hard time being kind to one another, getting those multiplication facts down, learning to work with a cheerful heart or, sometimes, that we are just trying to make it through the day?!  For me to have the vision above is not so much what we do during our day, but how we do it.  

What a powerful reminder (and one that I so desperately need) that this task of parenting is not something I labor at by myself!  I not only have my husband, family and friends to encourage and help me, but ultimately I have Christ and with Him, nothing is impossible!  

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