Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Back to the Books

It's that time of year again. Time for resolutions, new goals, blah, blah, blah.  I am not a resolution maker - really, isn't the purpose of making them so you don't have to accomplish said resolution?  Ok, maybe not, but that is usually what happens.

I am happy, however, to be moving past 2015 and into 2016.  This past year has been difficult to say the least - maybe, someday, I will do a post on that.  2016 is set to have it's challenges too - I have one son who will be moving away and joining the Marines, another one who will be learning to operate a large metal machine car (thankfully, it is rather large) and many others thing I know nothing of at the moment.  So why am I ready to move on?  If I (re)learned anything in 2015 it is that My God is a big GOD!  He can handle anything and whether or not all is smooth sailing, extremely difficult, incomprehensible or just down right hard, He's got it.  I may not see the whole picture, ever, let alone this day, week, month or year, but that doesn't mean He's not redeeming it all.  So, no matter what 2016 brings, I've got a big God that has already shown His love for me through his son, Jesus and really, what more do I need? So, no resolutions for 2016, just taking it one day at a time and trying to be in the here and now, enjoying the moment and leaning on HIM through it all.

All that to say that I am back to reading.  2015 what not a record breaking book-reading year for me and if you know me, you know I love to read.  I may or may not, at one time, had the nickname . . . Rita-book . . . get it?  Yeah, I know . . .

I don't have a set amount of books to read this year, but I have enlisted the help of Goodreads to keep track of what I am reading and to get book suggestions.  Come, follow me and see what I am reading, what I want to read and even suggest some of your favorites.  There may be a good chance I've already read it, but if not, I'm always looking for a good read!

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