Monday, April 11, 2016

On Guard Essential Oil Party Make & Take - Easy How To!

I'm getting ready to host my 2nd Essential Oil Make and Take!

My goal has been to hold a Make & Take every other month.  You can read about my first Essential Oil 101 Class here.  The 101 Class is a great intro to Doterra Essential Oils and the rollerball Make & Take's were easy to do and a big hit!

This month I am focusing on Doterra's Protective Blend (aka On Guard).  With all the sickies going around this year, I thought this one would be a great one - and we get to make some fun stuff!

So what do I love about the Protective Blend??  It's main ingredients are Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary.  It supports the immune system*, is a natural way to clean around the home and diffuse to clean the air, supports the respiratory system*, supports the body's natural antioxidant defenses*, protects against environmental threats and it smells amazing!

So, what are we making?

On Guard Foaming Hand Soap - $6.50
On Guard Hand Sanitizer Spray - $4.50
On Guard Cleaning Spray - $4.00
Flu Bomb Rollerball - $5.00

Once I had set the day, time and location (Thanks again for hosting, Mom!), I set up a FB event.  FB events are an easy way to get the word out, invite friends and have a central location to post information and updates.  I also sent out the class information in a monthly email to all those on my Doterra email list.

Next on the list - put together a supplies list.  For any EO product, storing in glass containers is the best option. or are both great places.  I have an Amazon Prime account, so I get free shipping too! Just be forewarned - some of the bottles I ordered were NOT glass - I should have read the fine print better :(  I use glass containters for the sanitizing spray, rollerballs and cleaning spray as these will last longer.  Because of the shorter usage life of the foaming hand soap, I purchased some plastic bottles from DoTerra.  They work well and are a great price.

Once I had my containers, I browsed through some EO books and Pinterest for some great recipes.  I did tweak the hand soap and sanitizer recipes a little.  But that is what I love about making my own products at home - I can add any of my favorite oils, try a few different options out and see what works best for me!

Foaming Hand Soap

Hand Sanitizer

This past weekend, I spent some time making copies of the recipes, posting the costs for each Make & Take product and a reminder on the event page.

And I think I am ready to go!  Happy Oiling!

Here are my recipes for you to use:

On Guard EO Recipes

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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