Monday, May 9, 2016

Big Picture Story Bible Review- One of the best Bibles for Littles!


A couple of Christmas's ago . . . we purchased The Big Picture Story Bible for Baby Girl.  I was looking for a "spiritual" gift for her and wanted something appropriate for a 4 year old - something she would actually be able to use.  I had looked at The Big Picture Story Bible and at The Jesus Storybook Bible.  I liked both of these from browsing through them on Amazon. They both have amazing and colorful pictures - not freaky pictures like some kids bibles. What's up with that?! Seriously, all my kids have received some sort of Bible in their PreK years and they ALL have disturbing pictures, lol.

I liked both of these options because the share the overriding Gospel message and show how God has had a plan since the beginning of time. They don't moralize the Bible stories. Yes, there are stories in the Bible that one can get a moral lesson from.  I want the Gospel message and God's love to capture my child's heart.  My goal was a Bible that shared the goodness and love of God and that we are a part of HIS story, this is not our story.  The Big Picture Story Bible comes highly recommended:
  • This article does a great job of explaining how and why we should be teaching God's Word to our children and recommends The Big Picture Story Bible.

After reading reviews, looking through both of my options on, I ended up getting The Big Picture Story Book Bible. Mainly because it also came with a CD!  As a homeschooling mom who frequently does read-a-louds, one thing I appreciate is a CD that does the reading for me. Sometimes I get tired of hearing the sound of my own voice . . .  but back to this Bible.  I love it! And Baby Girl does too!  It is divided into Old and New Testament and each Testament is divided into parts, 11 in the Old, 15 in the New.  There are questions peppered throughout each part that encourage the child to think about the story being told.  There are not only questions, but also reminders of God's love and that He has a plan throughout! And don't we all need that reminder?

If you're looking for a great Bible to get your preschooler started on, I highly recommend this one! Baby Girl is approaching 7 and will still put the CD on, sit down on the couch and listen to the entire book. Love that!


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