Saturday, March 7, 2015

Family Portraits

Yes, you heard correctly - Family Portraits.  Oh why do these cause me so much stress?!  Is it because they so badly need to be done, but nobody wants to do it? Or is it the difficulty of finding outfits that coordinate but don't "match"?  And then, what if the weather is bad, the kids cry or don't smile, or I am having a bad hair day?  Or what if we are just having a bad year as a family?  But then, I read something like this and there is no putting it off any longer.

Family portraits had been in the back of my mind -  maybe it had something to do with the fact that the last time we had them taken, Portrait Innovations was, well, an innovation!

You may be able to tell that this was quite a few years ago!  Baby Girl was just that, a 6 month old baby, The boys still looked liked boys instead of on the verge of manhood.  And yes, hubby and I look young!

So what better motivation that mommy guilt, so many years lost and a homeschooling friend who takes great pics! After one cancellation due to cold weather, a few $$ spent on outfits that at least wouldn't look bad together and a trip to my Fix Salon . . . .

Yeah, so we've grown a little!  Here's to building family and self-esteem! Oh wait . . . now I need to order prints, get frames and put them on the wall!


  1. How is it that your children look older but you and Dan don't. Great family, great photos.

  2. Ha ha! I do think we look older, but thank you!
