Monday, April 18, 2016

Changing How We Do Chores - In 4 Easy Steps!

Last month, I wrote a post here about how we are in the process of changing how we do chores and technology at our home.  This is a follow-up post-most likely one of many-as this is a process that we are working through, not just a quick, easy fix.  A quick, easy fix would be: 1) Hire someone to clean my home, 2) Get rid of all the technology in our home.  Granted, I like quick, easy fixes, but I don't think either of those are realistic for us right now :)  I guess I could start a Go-Fund Me site for my cleaning bill?

Step One:

Since this is not a quick, easy fix . . . I did some research (aka browsing Pinterest) and printed off LOTS of printable,Thankfully, I also have a super-organized friend who has made her own printable!! (and she's letting me share it with you!) She uses it for her Spring Cleaning and breaks down what needs to be cleaned in each room.  Since her form is for Spring Cleaning, there were a few things on it that I could take off for our weekly cleaning - they don't need to be done every week or even, every month.  I do not use all the printables, but when processing all this, I need something in my hands to look at.

Step Two:

Next, I looked at what our week looks like - this is important because every family their own rhythm, their own routine.  For example, we have co-op on Wednesdays for 12 weeks in the Spring and 12 in the Fall.  This means, that on Wednesdays, there will be no cleaning!!  After a busy day at co-op, I'm lucky to get dinner on, let alone tackle anything else.  Our trash gets picked up on early Tuesday.  Also, I like to keep Sundays as a day of rest (no chores, no technology-unless it's a family movie).  Take a look at your family rhythms and routines and decide what would work best for you!

Step Three:

After looking at what needs to be done and what days we have to do it, I then began placing specific rooms to be cleaned and chores to be done on a specific day. I ended up using the blank chore chart from this site.  I've opted to print her blank page with the days out and laminate it . . . I like the flexibility of that option :)

Step Four:

And here it is . . . I started to s-l-o-w-l-y implement these.  So far, these have all been a whole family effort.  Really, it's "ok guys, it's time to all clean the kitchen.  Here is what needs to be done, what would you like to do?"  It was helpful that half a week into it we had Spring Break.  That meant all the kids were at home and we had a little bit more time.  It wasn't helpful that I went out of town for 3 days . . . I guess that is where adjusting one's expectations come into play.  I did leave a list of things to be done each day - not the complete list - and they did get done!  For me, that's a win.

We are now officially on week 2 - and I am making some adjustments as we go along.  For example, do I really need to wash our sheets every week?  After reading this . . . yes, yes I do!  But our extra blankets - I'm OK washing every other week, less in the summer if we aren't using them.  And cleaning those windows . . . in my dining room (where the dog slobbers all over the back door) every week or twice a week! Bedroom windows . . . I am good with once a month.  Again,this is where there is no set rule, but it is best to look at your family and your schedule and do what fits best for you!

And I've had one unexpected blessing come from this.  I can look around my house and not feel ANY guilt for the things I see that need to be done. I know they are on the schedule and will get done by the end of week.  And that is WONDERFUL! Oh, yeah . . . any my house is clean! Win, Win!

Below is what I've come up with:

  • Daily - Fill/Empty Dishwasher, Wipe down Kitchen, Make Bed
  • Monday - Kitchen & Dining Room; wipe table & counters, sweep/mop floor, vacuum rugs, dust, clean windows, wipe down stove, micro, fridge, dishwasher & oven. Take out Trash. Laundry; Boy 3, kids sheets.
  • Tuesday - Bedrooms; Pick-up, dust & vacuum, clean windows (1/month). Laundry; Baby Girl, kids blankets.
  • Wednesday - Laundry; Husband, Master bedroom sheets & blankets.
  • Thursday - Living Room & Back Room; Pick-up, dust & vacuum, clean windows (1/month). Laundry; Boy 1, Bathroom rugs, towels & kitchen towels.
  • Friday - Bathrooms; floors, counters, sinks, tub, mirrors & toilets.  Take out Trash. Laundry; Me, all Norwex.  
  • Saturday - Breezeway & Entry; floors, pick-up, dust, clean windows (1/month). 
  • Sunday - Rest! Laundry; Boy 2.

Next up . . . adding extra chores for pay/tech time, putting parameters on technology use . . . oh, the fun to come . . .


And again - my disclaimer: "And, with anything, please do not let these add to your list of 'things I should be doing' or 'yet another thing I need to do', but use these resources as ideas, motivation to lighten your load, not add to it!"


  1. This is a great plan! You are so organized.

    1. Thanks, but honestly, I really struggle with this! That is why I am trying to be organized :)
