Saturday, November 7, 2015

And the winner is . . .

For those who read my post on Do-Terra's Natural Deodorant, thanks!  I hope it was helpful to you.  I hope to be doing some more reviews and giveaways, so stay tuned!

It's time to pick a winner! 

For this drawing, I didn't actually put your names in a hat and draw, I used:

It was super simple!  I entered all three of the names, clicked on the "picked a random name" button and ta-da!  The Winner is My Heart Song!  Whatever would we do without the internet?!

Just message me at with your address and I will get the natural deodorant out to you!

Thanks everyone for entering!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I'm back . . . DoTerra Deodorant Review

It's been awhile . . . but I'm back.  

And I've been trying out some of doTERRA's newly released products!  First up a natural deodorant!

For a little background, I've been trying different natural deodorant's for the past few years.  My first move was away from an antiperspirant.  The short reason - Aluminum, which is possibly* linked by some to cancer and Alzheimer's. I would prefer not to have to deal with either of these, and using an antiperspirant was something I did at least once a day, I dropped the antiperspirant and switched to a deodorant, then have been trying the more natural deodorants. Can I just say there is A LOT out there!  And you can spend as little or as much as you would like!  There are rocks, sprays, roll-on, sticks, homemade, etc.  

So, what did I think?!                                  I really like it!                                   And it works!

Ingredients:  Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Triethyl Citrate, Carnauba Wax, Corn Starch, Cypress Oil, Melaleuca Oil, Cedarwood, Bergamot Oil, Sage Oil, Shea Butter & Sodium Caproyl/Lauroyl Lactylate.  

Pretty good that there are only two of those I had to look up! The scent is simple, not overpowering or perfuming at all. Cedarwood is also one of my favorite oils, so I really like the smell.  When applying, one will notice it is a little sticky.  But after application, I didn't notice it again - and my armpits definitely weren't sticking together!  As a friend suggested, I applied it more than once.  I applied some after my shower (which I usually do at night), then again in the morning or before I headed out.  I made sure I added a layer before I headed to work out with my younger two!  

My two biggest tests: Rockstar workout and Co-op days!  For the workout, I always sweat (that's kinda the point) but I didn't notice a stinky armpit smell afterwards . . . and yes, I checked! For co-op days, I am busy running around setting up for the day, so even if it's not warm, I typically start to sweat a little.  Then have to be around others for the rest of the morning, so I don't want to be all stinky from the morning set-up.  And I wasn't!  

The final selling point - my shirts!  I'm not big into washing each shirt after every wear, especially if it's a nice sweater or a shirt I've only worn for a few hours.  This cuts down on the wear of my clothes and helps them last longer.  But, if I pick up a shirt the following week and the armpits smell - that's is not good!  I have not noticed this problem at all using the doTERRA Natural Deodorant. 

And now, here's the good part!  I am giving away a doTERRA Natural Deodorant!  Would you like to try it?  Just comment on my blog and you'll be put in for a drawing on November 7th.  I will then send you your own doTERRA Natural Deodorant to try out!

But even if you don't win . . . it's a very reasonably priced natural deodorant and comparable to other natural deodorants.  $11.33 retail which you can order through my website.

Or if you're already a doTERRA WA, you can buy it for the wholesale price of $8.50.  If you'd like to learn more about having access to wholesale doTERRA, just comment below!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Field Tripping

We are all getting ready for Spring up here in Northern Indiana.  What does that look like?  Taking any and every opportunity to get out of the house!  Sometimes, that is easier said than done.  One great option here are the Potawatomi Conservatories. Admission is only $3 for adults, $2 for kids ages 3-14.  It was wonderful to see fruit on trees, flowers in bloom and so much green!  Our favorite room every time is the Desert Dome.  Not only is it war, but has such an array of plants that we don't see around here.  We even brought home our own Aloe Vera plant.

Next up was a field trip with our home school co-op to Oxbow Park for Maple Syrup tapping! We learned which maple trees are the best for tapping, how to tap and taste-tested syrup straight from the tap. With a gate fee of only $2, we will back to explore the many trails and check out the newly rebuilt Ox Bow Tower. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Family Portraits

Yes, you heard correctly - Family Portraits.  Oh why do these cause me so much stress?!  Is it because they so badly need to be done, but nobody wants to do it? Or is it the difficulty of finding outfits that coordinate but don't "match"?  And then, what if the weather is bad, the kids cry or don't smile, or I am having a bad hair day?  Or what if we are just having a bad year as a family?  But then, I read something like this and there is no putting it off any longer.

Family portraits had been in the back of my mind -  maybe it had something to do with the fact that the last time we had them taken, Portrait Innovations was, well, an innovation!

You may be able to tell that this was quite a few years ago!  Baby Girl was just that, a 6 month old baby, The boys still looked liked boys instead of on the verge of manhood.  And yes, hubby and I look young!

So what better motivation that mommy guilt, so many years lost and a homeschooling friend who takes great pics! After one cancellation due to cold weather, a few $$ spent on outfits that at least wouldn't look bad together and a trip to my Fix Salon . . . .

Yeah, so we've grown a little!  Here's to building family and self-esteem! Oh wait . . . now I need to order prints, get frames and put them on the wall!

Monday, March 2, 2015

A Mother's Calling - Part 3

A Mother's Calling

This is the final post of three, from a lesson my own mother have given to me many years ago. 

My Mom

We are part of the body of Christ

I have learned that I am important in God's eyes.  My child should feel important in his mother's eyes.  He should feel worthwhile and loved.  As they get older, they will be able to see that they are a part of a bigger family.

The family unit is the ideal place for us all to learn how we fit into the body of Christ.  If I, first as a child of God, then as a wife, and then as a mother, take my proper place in the family, God can use me in the larger body.  So with my child: he learns interaction, sharing, how his feelings and actions relate to others, and how they affect others.  My child learns, in the safety and love of his home, how to relate to others, and how to use his talents for the good of God's kingdom.

Final thoughts

God keeps telling me to slow down, don't rush through my children, take the time; they are the task He has for me now.  I am to rest in motherhood as I rest in Him!  

As my children are being raised in the truth, I rejoice over God's faithfulness.  Oh Lord, that the love you have placed within me causes me to protect, trust, hope and to persevere in training my children.  Where I fall short, your love never fails.  Thank you, Lord.

I hope these posts have been encouraging to someone in their role as a mother. Rereading these, has not only been an excellent reminder for my role as a mother to my children, but also has given me a greater appreciation for my mother.  I thank God for her in a new and different way. She has always made me feel important, has shown me the 1 Corinthians love and most importantly, has shown me the how to be a follower of Christ. I hope and pray that my children learn much from me, but above all, to love Christ and follow after Him first.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Mother's Calling - Part 2

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. "

Part 2 in a series given to me by my own mother

Help Comes from God

God wants my heart 

When a child is born, his heart is quickly given over to those that love him.  It isn't hard for the child to trust, love and look to his mother.  So, as I look to God, my first love, the infant and child in the beginning looks to his mother, his first love.

Wouldn't it be good for each of us to read the above scripture everyday before relating to our children? I believe God wants our children to begin getting a glimpse of this kind of love through us.  So, as I am mothering my children, I must strive to show the love of 1 Corinthians 13 - which I can only have through the power of the Holy Spirit and Christ living in me.

Happiness in Jesus

I have and will be spending many years mothering my children. When am I most happy in Jesus?
  • When I allow Him to order my life 
  • When I enter into regular prayer and fellowship with Him
  • When I allow myself to be dependent on Him
  • When I am obedient to Him
When I allow Him to order my life: My child will function best in an orderly life as I do. With routine, he will learn what to expect and be able tor relax in it. Without routine, the child will not have the security he would otherwise have.  Through prayer, God can show me how to best set up my household so I may serve Him in raising my children and caring for my family.

When I enter into regular prayer and fellowship with Jesus, I can also commit my children to God daily, their spiritual and physical welfare.  In order to glorify God, I must be consistent in communicating with Him. Sometimes my children will see me doing this, and other times, God and I will meet alone.  There are occasions when I include my child in "meetings with God", impromptu and planned. 

I am happiest when I am dependent on God.  I, by an act of my will, have chosen to turn my life over to the God who created me.  My child is naturally dependent on my from birth through much of his childhood.  He is happy and secure in this dependency while learning responsibility.

Obedience to God brings joy.  I experience that joy when I am obedient.  My child must be taught obedience to experience joy. Obedience is taught through discipline. We must discipline out of love, not anger or impatience. It must be done in a way that the child will not be belittled or feel rejected. Through correction the child learns that he is capable of proper behavior and encouraged, even motivated, to do better. Correction must be done in such a way that the child does not question our love for him.

Ways of discipline for each child may differ and only our Lord can reveal the best way for each child and situation.  We will make mistakes but love (the kind we talked about in 1 Corinthians) will cover these mistakes.  It is important to remember that our sweet babies learn early to manipulate their parents. With that in mind: a)parents should make all decisions for the very young and still many as they get older, b) parents must be consistent (no matter how the day is going), c) parents must not avoid conflict, they must deal with it, d) parents must not expect too much or too little from their children.

What do I notice when I read this?  Freedom.  As odd as that sounds and as our culture says that dependency and obedience are opposite of freedom, I see freedom.  I am free to be the person God has created me to be and get my identity from Him when I am in relationship with Him, depend on Him and am obedient to what He is calling me to do in my life.  The same is true for my children.  They have the freedom to be themselves within the security and love of our relationship.  

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Mother's Calling

This following is the first part of a lesson that was given to me by my mother in 2001.  She had given a talk many years before (I was probably 8-10 years old) at the church we then attended. At that time she gave this to me, we had our first two sons and they were 4 and 1.  Two more children, 14 years more years of parenting and the need to plan a devotional for a weekend retreat and I was led back to this. 

Not only did fill the need for that weekend, but it has spoken to my heart. As only a mother can fully understand a mother's heart for her children, it has given me a wonderful view into the heart of the woman who has been and continues to be one of the greatest influences in my life.  I hope it is as encouraging to you as it was to me.

A Mother's Calling

"What any of us has to share about our experiences in parenting would benefit the rest of us.  I have been asked to share today so I pray each of you will be encouraged and hopefully, better equipped in your parenting.

Vision for my Children:

1) "bringing them to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives"
2) share in God's blessings
3) develop dependence on God, trust in God, and love of God that only our God deserves

The Scripture Basis for carrying out this Vision:

Colossians1:28-29, "We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone (our children) with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone (our children) perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all His (Christ's)energy, which so powerfully works in me."

This scripture emphasis the importance of having that personal relationship with God.  In having that relationship, we can help reach that end (so our children may be perfect in Christ).  In having that relationship, we have His (Christ's) energy to do it.  God knows we need energy!"

Many times I am unable to focus on a specific goal or task when parenting.  Especially as a mom who also teaches her children during the day, the roles and responsibilities frequently overlap or run together.   Is it that they are learning to read today, having a hard time being kind to one another, getting those multiplication facts down, learning to work with a cheerful heart or, sometimes, that we are just trying to make it through the day?!  For me to have the vision above is not so much what we do during our day, but how we do it.  

What a powerful reminder (and one that I so desperately need) that this task of parenting is not something I labor at by myself!  I not only have my husband, family and friends to encourage and help me, but ultimately I have Christ and with Him, nothing is impossible!